Xun Cao

Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Xun Cao received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2007. Before coming to Penn State, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Niehaus Center of the Woodrow Wilson School of the Princeton University and Lecturer at the Department of Government of the University of Essex. His recent research interests include environmental and climate change policies and politics, security, and political geography. His publications have appeared in journals such as American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Criminology, Comparative Political Studies, Energy Policy, Environmental Science & Policy, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Politics, Regulation & Governance, and World Politics.
Areas of Interest
- International Relations
- Climate change and the environment
Lopez-Cariboni, S., & Cao, X. When do Rulers Educate: Trade Competition and Human Capital in Non-Democracies.
Cao, X. Duan, H., l, C., & Wei, Y. Religious Institutions and the Impact of Inter-Ethnic Inequality on Conflict: The Case of Xinjiang, China. International Studies Quarterly.