Lindsay Walsh has received the American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (APSA DDRIG) to support her research on the effect of electoral institutions on political ambition, or the desire to run for office, in Jordan. This grant will support her as she conducts a telephone survey of former candidates in the 2024 Jordanian Parliamentary elections, an online survey of student participants in university political engagement programs, and in-depth interviews with former candidates from previous parliamentary elections. Her potential candidate survey will include experimental treatments to test the effect of recruitment strategies, political reforms, and gender quota policies on individual political ambition levels.
Lindsay sends a heartfelt thank you to her committee members Lee Ann Banaszak, Vineeta Yadav, Dan Tavana, and Maha Marouan for their invaluable support and guidance in preparing her DDRIG application. She also sends her thanks to all the PLSC faculty who have helped her to reach this point. This prestigious research award will supplement the Fulbright Student Research Award that she received in Spring 2024.
Well done, Lindsay, and good luck!