Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Prof. Jim Piazza Publishes Paper in SSQ

Prof. Jim Piazza Publishes Paper in SSQ

Congratulations to Professor Jim Piazza, Liberal Arts Professor of Political Science, for publishing in Social Science Quarterly with his work titledDemographic change threat, preference for nondemocratic governance, and support for political violence”. This study finds that American whites who exhibit “demographic change threat” – fear and anxiety about growing racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. due to factors such as immigration – are more likely express support or tolerance for political violence.  The key factor explaining this is the connection between demographic change threat and support for illiberal, nondemocratic governance.  It finds that fear of projected demographic change contributes to reduced commitment to democratic norms and values which is associated with increased tolerance of transgressive political behavior like political violence.  The McCourtney Institute for Democracy provided partial funding for this project. See article

Jim Piazza