Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Graduate Students on the Job Market

Graduate Students on the Job Market

Graduate Students on the Job Market

The following current and former students are seeking academic appointments. Penn State’s political science Ph.D. students have been placed at some of the top institutions in the U.S.

Research Interests
Michael Burnham
American Politics, Text as Data, Ideology
Michael Nelson, Suzanna Linn, Kevin Munger, Bruce Desmarais, Sarah Rajtmajer, Burt Monroe
Faith Khumalo
Comparative Politics, Immigration and anti-Immigrant violence in sub-Saharan Africa
Joseph Wright, Burt Monroe, Matthew Golder, Johannes Wolfgang Fedderke
Sangyeon Kim
American politics, social media, contentious politics, data science
Bruce Desmarais, Kevin Munger, Cyanne Loyle, Charles Segiun
Boyoon Lee
Comparative politics, immigration and migration, East Asia
Matthew Golder, Bruce Desmarais, Boliang Zhu, Jonathan Abel, Charles Crabtree
Ilayda Onder
International Relations, Terrorism and counterterrorism in India
James Piazza, Douglas Lemke, Cyanne Loyle, Daniel DellaPosta
Caner Simsek
Comparative politics, personalist regimes, Middle Eastern politics
Joseph Wright, Bruce Desmarais, Vineeta Yadav, Runze Li
Angel Villegas Cruz
International Relations, Asian Studies, Digital diplomacy
Boliang Zhu, Kevin Munger, Roseanne McManus, Jonathan Abel
Christopher Willis
International relations, civil war, civilian victimization
James Piazza, Cyanne Loyle, Douglas Lemke, Richard Felson

Placement Coordinator

Assistant Professor of Political Science
Placement Director
Areas of Interest:
  • Comparative Politics
  • Democratization
  • Dictatorships
  • Public Opinion and Political Behavior
  • Representation