Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Yunfan Ling

Yunfan Ling

Yunfan Ling

Graduate Student
446 Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building University Park, PA 16802
Yunfan Ling

Professional Bio

I'm Yunfan Ling and I am joining the political science community at Penn State in fall 2024. I graduated from the CUHKSZ business school in China and Columbia University, where I majored in Economics and Quantitative Methodology. My academic curiosity about politics also stemmed from my engagement in activism and social worker volunteering in China and the U.S.. Throughout the years, my research interest lies in the intersection between political economy, contemporary political thoughts and institutions in developing countries. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, sketching, endurance sports and indie rock music quite a lot. Fun fact: I write poems and I self-published a poem collection that sold 3 copies.