Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

William (Tyler) Suman

William (Tyler) Suman

William (Tyler) Suman

446 Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building University Park, PA 16802
William (Tyler) Suman

Professional Bio

Tyler is a first year Political Science Ph.D. student at Penn State. He holds a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota (conferred May 2020). Tyler has additional training in statistical analysis methods and basic competency in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese from his time at ICPSR and UMN. His research interests include IR, political economy, and social data analysis. His current research and tentative masters thesis involves a quantitative analysis of economic diplomacy through China’s Belt and Road Initiative in less developed states. Tyler is also a major music history buff and enjoys collecting both popular and classic albums from the countries he studies.