Pete Hatemi

Professional Bio
I am a distinguished professor of Political Science, Co Fund in Microbiology and Biochemistry at Penn State. My research currently focuses on explicating individual differences in preferences, decision-making, and social behaviors on a wide range of topics, including: political behaviors and attitudes, addiction, political violence and terrorism, public health, gender identification, religion, mate selection, and the nature of interpersonal relationships. In so doing I advocate theoretical and methodological pluralism, including but not limited to behavioral experiments, endocrinology, genetics, physiology, neuroscience, and social learning approaches.
Areas of Interest
- American Politics
- International Relations
- Methodology
Mallinson, D.*, & Hatemi, P. How Political Decisions Are Made: Social Conformity and Political Opinions. PLoS ONE, 30.
Hatemi, P. & Fazekas, Z. Narcissism and Political Orientations. American Journal of Political Science, 43.